Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Ascent GBA ROM
- Creator: TeaRisten
- Version: Alpha v5
- Hack of: Emerald
- Updated: August 27, 2022
Pokemon Ascent is a GBA ROM Hack by TeaRisten based on Pokemon Emerald. And it is now available to download. It was last updated on August 27, 2022.
Also, be sure to try out Pokemon Exceeded
Ascent is a combat-focused rush of trainer battles with roguelike-inspired progression. The gameplay loop lacks the adventure side of the normal pokemon experience, in favor of refined competitive battles. You start at the bottom of the tower with three starter pokemon and progressively make your way from floor to floor, earning currency to upgrade pokemon and items. Each floor has a variety of quality-of-life features to get your team ready for the next gauntlet without the regular headache of grinding. See if you have what it takes to ascend to the top!
- Every Floor Includes Unique Battles.
- Losing A Match Will Reset The Floors.
- Alternating Single/Double Battles.
- Trainers Have Rotating Team With Aditional Pokemon.
- All Pokemon From Gen 1-8 & 5 Custom Items Are Added.
- Every Floor Includes Shop! (Pokemon, IVs, Evs, TM, Berry, Move).
- 3 Different Currency Rewards At Each Floor’s Battles.
- Mostly 7/8 Battle Mechanics Were Made With Adjustments.
- Choose 3 Type Of Pokemon Between The 24 Starters!
- Added Built-In Nuzlocke Mode, Receive A Gift On Every Floor!
- 3 Difficulty Modes To Adjust EVs/IVs!. (Easy, Normal, Hard)
- No Bag Use In Battles, No Money Loss, Forced Mode Set!
- Held Items Are Restored Between The Battles!
- No EXP! (All Pokemon Will Be At Level 50).
- Get Room Battles Hints By Talking To The NPC Characters!
- Bag Sort, Evs On Status Menu, PC From Start Menu!
- Few New Natures With Either Multiple/Double Boosts.
- Reduced Button Prompts For Cleaner Battles & Menus!
- Poison Reduces Sp. Attack & Hail Boosts Ice Defence 1.5x Now!
- New Items! (Hourglass, Triforce, Heavy Bands, Plate mail & More).
- New Natures! Demon (+20% Speed), Pacifist (+10% Defence and Sp.Defence), Rager (+10% Attack & Sp.Attack)
- New Abilities! (Holy Aura, Obsession, Dauntless Crown, Tailwind, Hazard Crew, Inversity, Clutch, Vampire, Water Lily, Oppression, Killing Spree).
Planned Features
- 6 total areas for 30 total floors. Currently at 3 areas with 15 total floors
- Pokeball swapper NPC
- A custom tileset
- A custom stat editor UI
- A custom battle UI
Alpha v5
- Added welcome NPCs for new areas.
- Added gen8 speed calc mode.
- Added nature preset mode.
- Added custom ferrothorn shiny.
- Added custom item icon and renamed trick room item to the magic hat.
- Added battle count/crits/misses record tracking.
- Added EV display to stat screen.
- Moved nature to the stat screen.
- Easy difficulty – all trainers use serious nature.
- Added all custom moves to learnsets.
- Added all moves previously lacking effects/animations to learnsets.
- Added animations for all moves lacking one. Some new, some duplicates.
- Can now swap berry/tm bag order.
- Updated berry/tm bag UI.
- Swapped Avalanche tm for Sheer Cold tm (works like Will-o-Wisp).
- Prevent party menu hold cursor moving.
- Tons of move/item/ability changes. Too many to list. See official documentation.
- Tons of bug fixes.
Alpha v3
- Separate Nuzlocke Into Permadeath & Random Encounter.
- Implemented New Battles, Evo, Boosting Items.
- New Peek Battle Option Added.
- Reworked On Battle Item Effects & Berry Healing Effects.
- Boosted Pokemon Abilities Based On Stats.
- Removed BP Gifts & Added Some More Battle Adjustments.
- Fixed Some Pokemon Abilities.
- More Bug Fixes!
Useful Stuff
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Note: Join the game’s official discord server to report bugs and info about upcoming updates
Previous Versions
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- Tearisten: The main designer and coder
- Jeis27 and Memeos: For input on designs and suggestions
- Freebird5678 and EmeraldStatllion: For testing and feedback
- DizzyEgg: colored natures
- DizzyEgg and Dr. Pop: Scrolling Multichoices
- PokemonCrazy: iv/ev display
- ROM Hacking Hideout: pret emerald expansions. The MVP here. Porting and spriting all new pokemon and battle mechanics is way more than a one man job I would never even attempt by myself. Emerald hacks will never be the same.
- Mkol103: Remove low health beep
- TheXaman: DS Style party menu
- Hestia: Force set mode
- Paccy: unlimited tm use
- Zeturic: Party screen wrap
- ghoulslash/skelli: bag sort
- ghoulslash: disable bag use in battle
- avara: remove starting potion from pc, change starting money, scripting tutorials, pokecommunity forum guides
- Jaizu: skip rayquaza intro, remove contest move screen from pokemon summary
- Lunos: replace any movie
- Hiroshi Sotomura: remove save confirmation
- GriffinR: map transition explanation from pret discord
- BuffelSalt: for ev increase, reset special function & nature change function, as well as nature not being linked to personality, parental bond implementation(I think this was taken from skelli’s CFRU). All extra tms post 50 implementation. Inclement emerald gave me so much inspiration.
- AsparagusEduardo: one time tm shop buy
- MGriffin: Troubleshooting help
- surskitty: trainer_control
- soupercell: bullrush ability and lots of inspiration from radical red
- Mkol103: battle frontier adventure was a huge inspiration
- StarsMmd: tons of inspiration, especially for the trick room on switch ability. Also for being my rom hacking hero. XG is a masterpiece and my favorite rom hack.
- Skelli and the Unbound team: CFRU and DPE were my playground before I found poke emerald expansion. Unbound is the GOAT.
- Anyone who helped with the emerald decomp and members of the PRET discord
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