- Author: absol_89
- Version: 1.2.0
- Language: English
If you’re looking for Pokemon Emerald Z Item Locations (Evolution Stones, TMs/HMs, etc), we’ve got you covered!
Note: Search inside the Page by pressing ctrl+f or use the “Search” option on your browser to look for a specific Stone/Item/TM or HM.
Pokemon Emerald Z Item Locations
Evolution Stones
You can get one of any type in Mauville City in exchange for a Harbor Mail (Coin Case is now obtained in the Game Corner) & at Lilycove Department Store
- Fire Stone – Fiery Path
- Water Stone – Route 105
- Thunder Stone – New Mauville
- Leaf Stone – Route 114
- Moon Stone – Meteor Falls
- Sun Stone – Mirage Tower
- Dusk Stone – Route 119
- Shiny Stone – Jagged Pass
- Dawn Stone – Granite Cave (hidden)
- Ice Stone – Abandoned Ship
You might also need:
Ever Grande City shop has all of these items:
- Upgrade – From Lanette instead of Lotad Doll
- Dubious Disc – Aqua Hideout, held by wild Encryptid
- Dragon Scale – Lilycove City (hidden)
- Electirizer – Safari Zone
- Magmarizer – Safari Zone
- Metal Coat – Held by wild Tinkatink, Djironn, and Beldum, Route 113, Safari Zone
- Protector – Mossdeep Space Center
- Razor Claw – Held by wild Sneasel, also from a man in Pacifidlog
- Razor Fang – Held by wild Gligar, also from a man in Pacifidlog
- Reaper Cloth – Mt. Pyre
- Cracked Pot – Lavaridge Town
- Black Augurite – Shoal Cave
- Leader’s Crest – Victory Road, also held by wild Bisharp (5%)
- Prim Scissors, Hair Tonic – Fallarbor Town
- Shell Visor – Held by wild Shelmet
- Forked Horn – Held by wild Karrablast
- Strange Souvenir – Held by traded Vulpix, Ponyta, and Voltorb, and by gift Type: Null
- Air Balloon – For sale in Slateport
- Big Root – From White Herb lady on Route 104
- Assault Vest – Victory Road
- White Herb, Mental Herb, Power Herb, Mirror Herb – Lavaridge Herb Shop
- Power items – From Lilycove Dept. Store alongside the vitamins
- Choice Band, Choice Specs – From Captain Stern after the Scanner (choice of one)
- Choice Scarf – Abandoned Ship
- Protective Pads – From a man in Rydel’s shop
- Shed Shell – Route 103
- Safety Goggles – Route 119
- Covert Cloak – Verdanturf Manor
- Smoke Ball, Loaded Dice, Wide Lens, Eviolite – Game Corner
- Terrain Extender – Magma Hideout
- Throat Spray – Mauville City
- Rocky Helmet – Fiery Path
- Thick Club, Dapper Glove, Light Ball – Lavaridge Town Poké Mart
- Explorer’s Guide – Fossil Maniac’s tunnel
- Nature Mints – Lavaridge Town
- EV-Reduction Berries – Fallarbor Town
- Nectars – Pretty Petal Flower Shop
- Ability Capsule – Fortree City, Game Corner
- Ability Patch – Trick Forest, Lilycove City
- Lucky Egg – Safari Zone
- Mucus Glob – Various spots in the overworld; held by wild Pyukumuku (50% chance)
- Beast Balls – Mossdeep City
- Lost Compass – Pacifidlog Town
TMs & HMs
Here’s the provided information organized into a table:
TM01 | Work Up | Rustboro City | Sentret x3, Taillow x3, Stufful x1 |
TM02 | Dragon Claw | Meteor Falls | Druddigon x3, Axew x1, Bagon x1 |
TM03 | Chilling Water | Reward for defeating Juan | Candleru x5, Shellder x3, Finneon x3 |
TM04 | Calm Mind | Lilycove Department Store | Abra x5, Snowitall x5, Hatenna x5 |
TM05 | Roar | Route 114 | Poochyena x3, Houndour x1, Litleo x1 |
TM06 | Toxic | Lilycove Department Store | Trubbish x5, Diretom x5, Varoom x5 |
TM07 | Snowscape | Weather Institute vendor | Winture x3, Snover x3, Vanillite x3 |
TM08 | Bulk Up | Lilycove Department Store | Timburr x5, Mienfoo x5, Fistiscuff x5 |
TM09 | Trailblaze | Route 104 | Skiddo x3, Shroomish x3, Seedot x3 |
TM10 | Hidden Power | Slateport City Secret Power vendor | Espurr x5, Thinkblot x3, Spectracle x1 |
TM11 | Sunny Day | Weather Institute vendor | Helioptile x3, Vulpix x3, Torkoal x3 |
TM12 | Taunt | Dewford Town | Shroodle x3, Allywag x3, Sableye x1 |
TM13 | Ice Beam | Lilycove Department Store | Pinguin x15, Snom x5, Lapras x1 |
TM14 | Blizzard | Reward for defeating Glacia | Snorunt x15, Germelt x10, Delibird x1 |
TM15 | Hyper Beam | Lilycove Department Store | Klink x15, Trapinch x15, Porygon x1 |
TM16 | Light Screen | Reward for defeating Tate & Liza | Staryu x3, Baltoy x3, Sigilyph x1 |
TM17 | Protect | Lilycove Department Store | Aron x5, Shelmet x5, Sinistea x5 |
TM18 | Rain Dance | Weather Institute vendor | Lotad x3, Wingull x3, Wailmer x3 |
TM19 | Giga Drain | Route 123 | Nectair x10, Budew x5, Morelull x5 |
TM20 | Safeguard | Lilycove Department Store | Chingling x3, Fidough x3, Togepi x1 |
TM21 | Swift | Petalburg Woods | Buizel x3, Zubat x3, Mienfoo x1 |
TM22 | Solar Beam | Safari Zone | Deerling x10, Karroot x10, Tropius x3 |
TM23 | Iron Tail | Mossdeep City | Aron x10, Onix x10, Orthworm x3 |
TM24 | Thunderbolt | Lilycove Department Store | Pikachu x15, Tynamo x5, Rotom x1 |
TM25 | Thunder | Sky Pillar | Magnemite x15, Nemosis x10, Encryptid x1 |
TM26 | Earthquake | Seafloor Cavern | Trapinch x30, Slithm x15, Gnomad x1 |
TM27 | Return | Wally’s uncle in Mauville | Tandemaus x5, Caughtton x5, Togepi x1 |
TM28 | Stomping Tantrum | Route 114 | Mudbray x5, Athcleat x5, Mankey x5 |
TM29 | Psychic | Lilycove Department Store | Eyeti x15, Ralts x5, Beldum x1 |
TM30 | Shadow Ball | Reward for defeating Phoebe | Gastly x10, Bramblin x10, Drifloon x10 |
TM31 | Brick Break | Route 112 | Playmight x10, Roenin x10, Heracross x1 |
TM32 | Pounce | Petalburg Woods | Nymble x3, Venipede x3, Sewaddle x3 |
TM33 | Reflect | Reward for defeating Tate & Liza | Exeggcute x3, Slugic x3, Sigilyph x1 |
TM34 | Roost | Slateport TM vendor | Fletchling x5, Rookidee x5, Oricorio x1 |
TM35 | Flamethrower | Lilycove Department Store | Litwick x15, Bonfird x5, Larvesta x1 |
TM36 | Sludge Bomb | Dewford Town | Skrelp x15, Bananza x5, Glimmet x1 |
TM37 | Sandstorm | Weather Institute vendor | Roggenrola x3, Sandygast x3, Sandile x3 |
TM38 | Fire Blast | Magma Hideout | Numel x15, Ponyta x10, Scargot x1 |
TM39 | Rock Tomb | Granite Cave | Roggenrola x3, Rockruff x3, Rolycoly x3 |
TM40 | Aerial Ace | Mauville Game Corner | Taillow x3, Fletchling x3, Wingull x3 |
TM41 | Torment | Slateport City | Impidimp x3, Pawniard x3, Scraggy x3 |
TM42 | Facade | Slateport TM vendor | Ratten x5, Lickitung x3, Tauros x1 |
TM43 | Secret Power | Route 111, Slateport City Secret Power vendor | Porygon x1, Stantler x1, Kecleon x1 |
TM44 | Rest | Lilycove City | Chillow x5, Jigglypuff x5, Munchlax x1 |
TM45 | Pain Split | Verdanturf Town | Koffing x3, Ratten x3, Cubone x3 |
TM46 | Thief | Slateport City | Wibow x3, Morostache x3, Poochyena x3 |
TM47 | Drain Punch | Route 115 | Crabrawler x10, Croagunk x5, Clobbopus x5 |
TM48 | Hex | Fallarbor Town | Frillish x3, Duskull x3, Kitterwaul x3 |
TM49 | Ancient Power | Altering Cave | Yanma x3, Tangela x3, Swinub x3 |
TM50 | Overheat | Scorched Slab | Darumaka x20, Magby x15, Grenaize x15 |
TM51 | Smart Strike | Granite Cave | Karrablast x5, Rhyhorn x5, Falinks x1 |
TM52 | Focus Blast | Sootopolis City | Psyclops x20, Mienfoo x20, Jangmo-o x1 |
TM53 | Energy Ball | Route 104 | Acipeasi x15, Tangela x5, Comfey x1 |
TM54 | False Swipe | Slateport TM vendor | Roenin x3, Scyther x3, Cubone x3 |
TM55 | Scald | Lilycove Department Store | Candleru x15, X-Trac x5, Tatsugiri x1 |
TM56 | Hone Claws | Slateport TM vendor | Binacle x3, Skorupi x3, Sneasel x3 |
TM57 | Play Rough | Lilycove Contest Hall | Marill x15, Mawile x5, Mimikyu x1 |
TM58 | Signal Beam | Mauville Game Corner | Grubbin x10, Rellor x5, Yanma x5 |
TM59 | Air Slash | Lilycove Department store | Wattrel x10, Rufflet x3, Vullaby x3 |
TM60 | Sucker Punch | Reward for defeating Sidney | Stunfisk x5, Allywag x5, Pawniard x5 |
TM61 | Will-O-Wisp | Mt. Pyre | Litwick x5, Djironn x5, Cadavillar x1 |
TM62 | Acrobatics | Reward for a perfect Cycling Road score | Zubat x5, Gligar x3, Flamigo x1 |
TM63 | Dragon Dance | Reward for defeating Drake | Verminion x15, Drumble x1, Varanox x1 |
TM64 | Explosion | Pacifidlog Town | Voltorb x15, Koffing x15, Grenaize x15 |
TM65 | Shadow Claw | Verdanturf Manor | Ratten x10, Mimikyu x1, Kecleon x1 |
TM66 | Payback | Mauville Game Corner | Scraggy x3, Vulpix x3, Tauros x1 |
TM67 | Dragon Pulse | Abandoned Ship | Horsea x15, Cyclizar x1, Dreepy x1 |
TM68 | Giga Impact | Lilycove Department Store | Tauros x15, Munchlax x15, Axew x1 |
TM69 | Rock Polish | Lilycove Department Store | Meduzap x3, Binacle x3, Rolycoly x3 |
TM70 | Aurora Veil | Shoal Cave | Itachill x5, Bergmite x5, Snom x1 |
TM71 | Stone Edge | Sootopolis City | Rhyhorn x20, Glimmet x15, Larvitar x1 |
TM72 | Volt Switch | New Mauville | Wattrel x15, Ohman x5, Toxel x1 |
TM73 | Thunder Wave | Slateport TM vendor | Tadbulb x5, Stunfisk x5, Plectric x1 |
TM74 | Gyro Ball | Lilycove Department Store | Ferroseed x5, Varoom x5, Magnemite x5 |
TM75 | Swords Dance | Lilycove Department Store | Scyther x10, Sneasel x10, Gligar x10 |
TM76 | Draining Kiss | Verdanturf Town | Cutiefly x5, Ralts x3, Tinkatink x3 |
TM77 | Body Press | Mauville City | Playmight x10, Onix x5, Wailmer x5 |
TM78 | Bulldoze | Route 116 | Diglett x3, Cubone x3, Shellos x3 |
TM79 | Battle Roar | Mauville Game Corner | Litleo x10, Toxel x3, Jangmo-o x1 |
TM80 | Rock Slide | Reward for defeating Roxanne | Timburr x10, Rockruff x10, Klawf x3 |
TM81 | X-Scissor | Rustboro City | Karrablast x10, Skorupi x5, Scyther x3 |
TM82 | Icy Wind | Slateport TM vendor | Winture x3, Vanillite x3, Snowitall x3 |
TM83 | Stealth Rock | Route 109 | Aron x5, Rhyhorn x3, Ferroseed x3 |
TM84 | Poison Jab | Route 113 | Tentacool x10, Nidoran♀ x5, Nidoran♂ x5 |
TM85 | Scorching Sands | Route 111 | Sandygast x10, Numel x5, Spiraclean x3 |
TM86 | Grass Knot | Trick Forest | Tangela x5, Bananza x5, Dhelmise x1 |
TM87 | Swagger | Slateport City | Poochyena x3, Carvanha x3, Scraggy x3 |
TM88 | Sleep Talk | Lilycove Department Store | Chillow x3, Lickitung x3, Dondozo x1 |
TM89 | U-turn | Fortree City | Wimpod x15, Yanma x5, Cyclizar x1 |
TM90 | Substitute | Lilycove Department Store | Kecleon x1, Mimikyu x1, Rotom x1 |
TM91 | Flash Cannon | Fallarbor Town | Magnemite x10, Klink x10, Aron x10 |
TM92 | Trick Room | Trick Forest | Kitterwaul x3, Slugic x3, Rellor x3 |
TM93 | Wild Charge | From Wattson after clearing New Mauville | Elekid x10, Nemosis x10, Ohman x10 |
TM94 | Power-Up Punch | Reward for defeating Brawly | Fistiscuff x3, Crabrawler x3, Mankey x3 |
TM95 | Flame Charge | Mauville Game Corner | Ponyta x5, Capsakid x3, Magby x3 |
TM96 | Ice Spinner | Abandoned Ship | Cetoddle x10, Spheal x10, Bergmite x10 |
TM97 | Dark Pulse | Fortree City | Kitterwaul x10, Houndour x10, Thinkblot x5 |
TM98 | Zen Headbutt | Mt. Pyre | Eyeti x10, Snowitall x5, Stantler x3 |
TM99 | Dazzling Gleam | Lavaridge Town | Morelull x15, Cutiefly x10, Clefairy x5 |
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