- Author: Anonymous
- Game Download: Pokemon Kanto Ultimate
- Language: English
- Source: Reddit
If you’re looking for Pokemon Kanto Ultimate Pokemon Replacements, we’ve got you covered!
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Pokemon Kanto Ultimate Pokemon Replacements
Pichu– GibleCleffa– RoseradeAzurill– DusknoirSmoochum– Porygon-ZIgglypuff– TogekissMagby– MagmortorSpheal– HonchkrowTentacool– RhypheriorChincou– MismagiusHopip– GliscorSunkern– WeavileElekid– ElectivireWurmple– MamoswineCaterpie– MagnezoneWeedle– LickilickyDunsparce –TangrowthNosepass– ProbopassSnorunt– FrosslassAipom– AmbipomYanma– YanmegaBarboach– Galavagos (Torkoal evo)Mawile– Jawile (Mawile evo)Skiploom– DunsparceMetapod– Folifarig (Girafarig evo)Kakuna– Maliciss (Jynx evo)Exeggcute– Pinchor (Pinsir evo)Nincanda– Cheauking (Weezing evo)Mareep– Adnokana (Arbok evo)Silcoon– Auldsparce (Dunsparce evo)Cascoon– Valentide (Luvdisc evo)Ledyba– Ledybulk (Ledian evo)Surskit– Dizasol (Absol evo)Farfetch’d– R’duckulus (Farfetch’d evo)Doduo– Sandrill (Sandslash evo)Venonat– LeafeonParas– GlaceonPineco– NoibatForetress– NoivernGulpin– LarvestaSwalot– VolcaronaLotad– GalladeLombre– GabiteLudicolo– GarchompSpoink– SalanditGrumpig– SalazzleWhismur– GoomyLoudred– SliggooExploud– GoodraQwilfish– LucarioSpinirak– VespiquenHeracross– VikavoltDelibird– Roylfowl (Delibird evo)
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