Pokemon Fire Sword Randomizer is a GBA Rom Hack based on Pokemon FireRed, It is a feature-based hack with Gigantamax, Mega Evolution, Gen 8 Pokemon, Galar Forms

Pokemon Emerald Enhanced is an enhanced version of the original Pokemon Emerald with a total of 684 Pokemon, 7 starters, 6 Difficulty Modes (Including Nuzlocke)

Download Pokemon Indian Platinum GBA. It is based on Pokemon Light Platinum but with Pokemon up to Gen 8, Galar forms, Mega Evolution, and Much More to Discover

Download Pokemon Adventure Blue Chapter. It is based on the Pokemon Adventure Manga. The game follows the manga closely with nearly all the events inside.

In Pokemon Cloud White 2, the scenario starts after the last event of Pokémon Cloud White. Be prepared to discover 3 new regions: South Sinnoh, Sinnoh, & Hoenn

Pokemon Advanced Version is an improvement type hack of Pokemon FireRed, created by VictiniD, a well-known rom developer in the community.

In Moemon Bonds you – (an amnesiac and clueless MOEMON Latios berry-picker in your teens) – were cursed by the whimsy MOEMON GODDESS.

Pokemon Dreams is a hack that takes place in a new region and tells a new story. The main character, a traveling trainer, arrives in the Solda region.

The plot of Pokemon Let’s Go Greninja follows the same storyline as Generation I, with the player beginning in Pallet Town.

In Pokemon Demon Island, you’ve been mysteriously transported to a dangerous island teeming with hungry flesh-eating Pokemon ready to devour you.