- Author: dekzeh
- Game Download: Pokemon Run & Bun
- All Pokemon Run & Bun Documentation: Click Here
- Language: English
- Source: https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=493223
If you’re looking for Run & Bun Item Locations (Heart Scale, Rare Candy, Mega Stones, Evolution Items, TM/HMs, Move Tutors, Held Items, Berries, Etc.), we’ve got you covered!
Note: Search inside the Page by pressing ctrl+f or use the “Search” option on your browser to look for a specific Item.
All Pokemon Run & Bun Item Locations
Heart Scale Location
Route 104 | North-west corner of the beach (hidden). |
Route 106 | Rock furthest north-west at the beach connected to Dewford (hidden). |
Route 118 | Furthest southwest island (hidden). |
Route 115 | Southwest corner of the beach connected to the Meteor Falls exit (hidden). |
Petalburg City | Surf past the northern pond. |
Route 105 | Rock at the southwest corner of the beach connected to Route 119 (hidden). |
Route 109 | Island with no NPCs (hidden). |
Route 118 | Rock at the south-west corner of the beach connected to Route 119 (hidden). |
Route 119 | South of the bridge past the Weather Institute. |
Route 119 | At the small piece of land just before the Waterfall, right side (hidden). |
Route 120 | Rock at the southwest corner of the beach (hidden). |
Lilycove City | Dive and resurface at the north-west area of the route. |
Aqua Hideout | Generator room alongside a static Electrode-H encounter. |
Route 124 | Dive and resurface at the west area of the route. |
Route 124 | Furthest southwest island (hidden). |
Route 124 | Underwater (hidden). |
Route 124 | Underwater (hidden). |
Route 126 | Underwater (hidden). |
Route 126 | Underwater (hidden). |
Route 127 | North-west corner of the route. |
Route 127 | Underwater (hidden). |
Route 128 | One tile to the east of CoolTrainer Ruben (hidden). |
Route 128 | Long Island in the middle of the route. |
Route 128 | Furthest east of the smaller islands, by the L-shaped rock (hidden). |
Route 132 | Second island in the southern area of the route. |
Route 134 | Long island in the middle of the route. |
Route 114 | Up the Waterfall northwest of the route. |
Route 119 | Up the Waterfall north of the route (requires Acro Bike). |
Victory Road | Ice floor, eastern corner, highest elevation (hidden). |
Victory Road | Ice floor, western corner, highest elevation (hidden). |
Rare Candy Location
Route 110 | By Cycling Road’s south gate, guarded by Camper Gavi. |
Route 116 | Behind Rich Boy Dawson. Possible to permanently miss. |
Mauville City | Given by an NPC inside one of the houses. |
Route 111 | Rock at the island directly southeast of the Abandoned Ship (hidden, requires Surf). |
Lavaridge Town | Rock at the northeast area of the desert (hidden, requires Go-Goggles). |
Petalburg City | Surf accross the southern pond, right side (hidden, requires Surf). |
Route 108 | Surf across the southern pond, right side (hidden, requires Surf). |
Route 121 | Alongside the path between Safari Zone and Lilycove City. |
Lilycove City | Given by an NPC inside one of the houses. |
Route 123 | South-east corner, past the Cut trees (hidden). |
Mt. Pyre | Second Floor. Accessible by dropping down the holes from the top. |
Mt. Pyre | North-east corner of the Summit, between two gravestones (hidden). |
Shoal Cave | Only accesible during high tide. |
Route 132 | First island in the northern area of the route. |
Evolution Item Locations
All items except for the Everstone are also sold at the Lilycove Department Store. | |
Item | Location |
Everstone | Granite Cave, ice floor, at the ‘L’ shaped rock formation before the stairs (hidden). |
Moon Stone | Sold at Mauville City Pokémon Mart. Given 1x from NPC Cutter in Rustboro City. |
Fire Stone | Sold at Mauville City Pokémon Mart. |
Water Stone | Sold at Mauville City Pokémon Mart. |
Thunder Stone | Sold at Mauville City Pokémon Mart. |
Leaf Stone | Sold at Mauville City Pokémon Mart. |
Ice Stone | Sold at Mauville City Pokémon Mart. |
Sun Stone | Sold at Mauville City Pokémon Mart. |
Shiny Stone | Sold at Mauville City and Fallarbor Town Pokémon Marts. |
Razor Claw | Sold at Petalburg City (requires 3 badges). |
Razor Fang | Sold at Petalburg City (requires 3 badges). |
Dragon Scale | Sold at Petalburg City (requires 3 badges) and Fortree City Pokémon Marts. |
Upgrade | Sold at Petalburg City (requires 3 badges) and Fortree City Pokémon Marts. |
Electirizer | Sold at Petalburg City (requires 3 badges) and Fortree City Pokémon Marts. |
Magmarizer | Sold at Petalburg City (requires 3 badges) and Fortree City Pokémon Marts. |
Dusk Stone | Sold at Fallarbor Town Pokémon Mart. |
King’s Rock | Sold at Fallarbor Town Pokémon Mart. |
Metal Coat | Sold at Fallarbor Town Pokémon Mart. |
Protector | Sold at Fallarbor Town and Fortree City Pokémon Marts. |
Dubious Disc | Sold at Fortree City Pokémon Mart. |
Prism Scale | Sold at Fortree City Pokémon Mart. |
Dawn Stone | Sold at Lilycove City Deparment Store. |
Honey | Sold at Lavaridge Town Pokémon Mart. |
Held Item Locations
Item | Location |
Silk Scarf | Dewford Town, given by an NPC inside one of the houses. |
Nevermelt Ice | Granite Cave. |
Soft Sand | Route 109, given by an NPC by the beach. |
Black Glasses | Slateport City, given by an NPC inside the Battle Tent. |
Poison Barb | Route 104, in the area only accessible through Petalburg Woods. |
Miracle Seed | Petalburg Woods, given by an NPC past the Cut tree. |
Silver Powder | Petalburg Woods, past the Cut tree. |
Hard Stone | Rusturf Tunnel, north-west corner. |
Sharp Beak | Route 111, past the desert (requires Mach Bike). |
Pixie Plate | Meteor Falls, first floor, northeast corner. |
Black Belt | Route 115, by the Meteor Falls southern exit. |
Metal Coat | Fallarbor Town or Lilycove City, sold at the mart/department store. |
Dragon Fang | Fallarbor Town or Lilycove City sold at the mart/department store. |
Charcoal | Lavaridge Town, given by an NPC inside one of the houses. |
Magnet | New Mauville. |
Mystic Water | Abandoned Ship. |
Twisted Spoon | Abandoned Ship. |
Spell Tag | Mt. Pyre, third floor. |
Rock Gem | Route 111, south corner of the desert (requires Go-Goggles) |
Dark Gem | Route 113. |
Poison Gem | Route 113. |
Ground Gem | Route 114, at the rock straight south after dropping down the ledge (hidden). |
Steel Gem | Jagged Pass, dropping down by the eastern side. |
Electric Gem | New Mauville. |
Grass Gem | Meteor Falls, first floor, northwest corner. |
Flying Gem | Route 119, surfing south past the bridge, in the tall grass (hidden). |
Fire Gem | Scorched Slab. |
Psychic Gem | Route 120. |
Bug Gem | Route 120, at the tall grass maze. |
Normal Gem | Safari Zone, north-west zone. |
Ghost Gem | Mt. Pyre, fourth floor, accessible by dropping down the holes. |
Ice Gem | Shoal Cave. |
Fighting Gem | Shoal Cave, given by an NPC. |
Water Gem | Abandoned Ship (requires Dive). |
Fairy Gem | Seafloor Cavern. |
Dragon Gem | Meteor Falls (requires Surf and Waterfall). |
Wide Lens | Rustboro City, given by an NPC at the Pokémon Trainer’s School. |
Muscle Band | Route 119, on the non-grass tile to the east of the cycling NPC (hidden). |
Wise Glasses | Rusturf Tunnel, northeast corner, past the smashable rocks. |
Protective Pads | Verdanturf Town, given by an NPC at the Battle Tent. |
Zoom Lens | New Mauville. |
Razor Claw | Sold at Petalburg City (requires 3 badges). |
Razor Fang | Sold at Petalburg City (requires 3 badges). |
King’s Rock | Fallarbor Town, sold at the mart. |
Life Orb | Held by the gifted Castform from Weather Institute. |
Metronome | Route 116, in a separate area only accesible through Rusturf Tunnel (hidden). |
Shell Bell | Shoal Cave, ice room. |
Expert Belt | Sootopolis City, given by an NPC inside one of the houses. |
Assault Vest | Safari Zone, southeast area. |
Leftovers | Slateport Harbor, swap a Scanner, Leftovers, Choice Band, Scarf, or Specs for it. |
Choice Band | Slateport Harbor, swap a Scanner, Assault Vest, Choice Band, Scarf, and Specs for it. |
Choice Scarf | Slateport Harbor, swap a Scanner, Assault Vest, Leftovers, Choice Band, or Scarf for it. |
Choice Specs | Slateport Harbor, swap a Scanner, Assault Vest, Leftovers, Choice Scarf, or Specs for it. |
Rocky Helmet | Meteor Falls (requires Surf and Waterfall). |
Heavy Duty Boots | Victory Road. |
White Herb | Route 104, given by an NPC outside of the Flower Shop after obtaining 3 badges. |
Shed Shell | Route 113, behind Parasol Lady Madeline. Possible to permanently miss. |
Electric Seed | Route 119, at the dead end, heading north-west past the first bridge. |
Grassy Seed | Route 119, western side of the first tall grass area. |
Misty Seed | Route 119, east past the stairs leading to Psychic Dayton & Ninja Boy Takashi. |
Psychic Seed | Safari Zone, northeast area. |
Power Herb | Safari Zone, southwest area. |
Mental Herb | Slateport Harbor, swap a Scanner, Assault Vest, Leftovers, Choice Band, or Specs for it. |
Room Service | Fortree City, given by an NPC after meeting his Wingull in Mossdeep City. |
Eject Button | Route 123 (requires Waterfall). |
Eject Pack | Route 123 (requires Waterfall). |
Red Card | Route 123 (requires Waterfall). |
Focus Sash | Route 115, from the Meteor Falls northern exit (requires Surf and Waterfall). |
Berry | Location | Berry Yield |
Oran Berry | Berry Trees at Routes 102, 104 and 111. | 30 to 90. |
Pecha Berry | Berry Trees at Routes 102, 104 and 114. | 30 to 90. |
Cheri Berry | Berry Trees at Routes 104 and 114. | 30 to 90. |
Chesto Berry | Berry Trees at Routes 114, 116. Given 10x from an NPC at Route 104. | 30 to 90. |
Leppa Berry | Berry Trees at Routes 103 and 104. | 30 to 90. |
Rawst Berry | Berry Trees at Routes 112 and 116. | 30 to 90. |
Persim Berry | Berry Trees at Routes 112 and 117. | 30 to 90. |
Aspear Berry | Berry Trees at Routes 110 and 112. | 30 to 90. |
Sitrus Berry | Berry Trees at Routes 110, 111, 112, 115, 117, 118 and 121. | 12 to 36. |
Lum Berry | Berry Trees at Routes 111, 115, 118 and 121. | 9 to 27. |
Lansat Berry | Berry Trees at Route 103. | 1 to 3. |
Starf Berry | Berry Tree at Route 121. | 2 to 4. |
Custap Berry | Berry Tree at Route 121. | 1 or 2. |
Liechi Berry | Berry Tree at Route 115. | 1 or 2. |
Salac Berry | Berry Tree at Route 115. | 1 or 2. |
Petaya Berry | Berry Tree at Route 115. | 1 or 2. |
Mago Berry | Berry Tree at Route 119. | 6 to 18. |
Aguav Berry | Berry Tree at Route 119. | 6 to 18. |
Iapapa Berry | Berry Tree at Route 119. | 6 to 18. |
Ganlon Berry | Berry Tree at Route 119. | 1 to 3. |
Apicot Berry | Berry Tree at Route 119. | 1 to 3. |
Rowap Berry | Berry Tree at Route 119. | 2 to 5. |
Jaboca Berry | Berry Tree at Route 119. | 2 to 5. |
Figy Berry | Berry Tree at Route 119. | 1 to 18. |
Wiki Berry | Berry Tree at Route 119. | 1 to 18. |
Watmel Berry | Berry Tree at Route 120. | 1 to 3. |
Belue Berry | Berry Tree at Route 120. | 1 to 3. |
Pomeg Berry | Berry Tree at Route 120. | 1 to 3. |
Kelpsy Berry | Berry Tree at Route 120. | 1 to 3. |
Qualot Berry | Berry Tree at Route 120. | 1 to 3. |
Hondew Berry | Berry Tree at Route 120. | 1 to 3. |
Micle Berry | Berry Tree at Route 120. | 2 to 5. |
Cornn Berry | Berry Tree at Route 120. | 1 to 3. |
Durin Berry | Berry Tree at Route 120. | 1 to 3. |
Pinap Berry | Berry Tree at Route 120. | 1 to 3. |
Chilan Berry | Berry Tree at Route 123. | 1 to 2. |
Occa Berry | Berry Tree at Route 123. | 1 to 2. |
Passho berry | Berry Tree at Route 123. | 1 to 2. |
Wacan Berry | Berry Tree at Route 123. | 1 to 2. |
Rindo Berry | Berry Tree at Route 123. | 1 to 2. |
Yache Berry | Berry Tree at Route 123. | 1 to 2. |
Chople Berry | Berry Tree at Route 123. | 1 to 2. |
Kebia Berry | Berry Tree at Route 123. | 1 to 2. |
Shuca Berry | Berry Tree at Route 123. | 1 to 2. |
Coba Berry | Berry Tree at Route 123. | 1 to 2. |
Payapa Berry | Berry Tree at Route 123. | 1 to 2. |
Tanga Berry | Berry Tree at Route 123. | 1 to 2. |
Charti Berry | Berry Tree at Route 123. | 1 to 2. |
Kasib Berry | Berry Tree at Route 123. | 1 to 2. |
Haban Berry | Berry Tree at Route 123. | 1 to 2. |
Colbur Berry | Berry Tree at Route 123. | 1 to 2. |
Babiri Berry | Berry Tree at Route 123. | 1 to 2. |
Roseli Berry | Berry Tree at Route 123. | 1 to 2. |
TM Locations
Item | Location |
TM01 Struggle Bug | Route 120. |
TM02 X-Scissor | Route 112. |
TM03 Dark Pulse | Mt. Pyre. |
TM04 Feint Attack | Route 104, given by an NPC near Floral Shop. Sold at Lilycove Department Store. |
TM05 Flatter | Pacifidlog Town, given by an NPC inside one of the houses. |
TM06 Breaking Swipe | Shoal Cave, ice room. |
TM07 Dragon Tail | Route 114, given by the NPC with a Poochyena. |
TM08 Electroweb | Route 117. Sold at Lilycove Department Store. |
TM09 Shock Wave | Given by Leader Wattson after you defeat him. Sold at Lilycove Department Store. |
TM10 Thunderbolt | Given by Leader Wattson after you fix the generator at New Mauville. |
TM11 Draining Kiss | Abandoned Ship. |
TM12 Misty Explosion | Abandoned Ship (requires Dive). |
TM13 Play Rough | Magma Hideout. |
TM14 Aura Sphere | Route 120. |
TM15 Body Press | Route 115 by the Meteor Falls entrance (requires Surf and Waterfall). |
TM16 Seismic Toss | Given by Leader Brawly after you defeat him. Sold at Lilycove Department Store. |
TM17 Flamethrower | Given by Leader Flannery after you defeat her. |
TM18 Will-O-Wisp | Mt. Pyre. |
TM19 Aerial Ace | Route 111. Sold at Lilycove Department Store. |
TM20 Defog | Given by Steven at Granite Cave. |
TM21 Dual Wingbeat | Given by an NPC past the desert at Route 111 (requires Mach Bike). |
TM22 Roost | Given by Leader Winona after you defeat her. |
TM23 Tailwind | Mt. Pyre. |
TM24 Curse | Route 121. |
TM25 Night Shade | Route 110 (requires a Bike). Sold at Lilycove Department Store. |
TM26 Shadow Ball | Mt. Pyre. |
TM27 Magical Leaf | Petalburg Woods (requires Cut). Sold at Lilycove Department Store. |
TM28 Solar Blade | Fiery Path. |
TM29 Solar Beam | Fiery Path. |
TM30 Earth Power | Given by an NPC at Fossil Maniac’s house. |
TM31 Earthquake | Victory Road. |
TM32 Ice Beam | Given by Leader Juan after you defeat him. |
TM33 Icy Wind | Granite Cave (requires Mach Bike). Sold at Lilycove Department Store. |
TM34 Explosion | Magma Hideout. |
TM35 Facade | Given by Leader Norman after you defeat him. |
TM36 Hyper Voice | Route 103 (requires a Bike). |
TM37 Swagger | Given by Grunt NPC inside Slateport Museum. |
TM38 Me First | Aqua Hideout. |
TM39 Weather Ball | Route 119 (requires Surf). |
TM40 Sludge Bomb | Given by an NPC inside Dewford Town Hall. |
TM41 Heal Pulse | Shoal Cave. |
TM42 Psychic | Given by Leaders Tate & Liza after you defeat them. |
TM43 Psychic Fangs | Route 124 (requires Dive). |
TM44 Skill Swap | Abandoned Ship (requires Dive). |
TM45 Rock Blast | Granite Cave. |
TM46 Rock Tomb | Given by an NPC in Rusturf Tunnel. Sold at Lilycove Department Store. |
TM47 Flash Cannon | Trade with NPC in Fallarbor Town for a Meteorite. |
TM48 Heavy Slam | Petalburg City (requires Surf). |
TM49 Smart Strike | Mauville City. Sold at Lilycove Department Store. |
TM50 Life Dew | Route 118 (requires Surf). |
HM Locations
Item | Location |
HM01 Cut | Given by an NPC in Rustboro City. |
HM02 Fly | Given by Rival Brendan/May after you defeat them at Route 119. |
HM03 Surf | Given at Seashore House by Mr. Sea after defeating all trainers inside. |
HM04 Strength | Given by Wally’s father after defeating Leader Norman. |
HM05 Flash | Given by an NPC in Granite Cave. |
HM06 Rock Smash | Given by Leader Roxanne after you defeat her. |
HM07 Waterfall | Given by Wallace at Sootopolis. |
HM08 Dive | Given by Steven after the events at the Mossdeep Space Center. |
Move Tutor Locations
Move | Location |
Hidden Power | Slateport City, NPC in the open market. |
Secret Power | Slateport City, NPC in the open market. |
Bug Bite | Mt. Pyre, first floor, NPC in the northeast corner. |
Poison Jab | Route 118, Black Belt NPC on the beach, access by the Mauville side. |
Brick Break | Route 118, Black Belt NPC on the beach, access by the Mauville side. |
Fire Punch | Route 118, Black Belt NPC on the beach, access by the Mauville side. |
Ice Punch | Route 118, Black Belt NPC on the beach, access by the Mauville side. |
Thunder Punch | Route 118, Black Belt NPC on the beach, access by the Mauville side. |
Shadow Punch | Route 118, Black Belt NPC on the beach, access by the Mauville side. |
Embargo | Route 112, NPC inside the Old Lady’s Rest Stop. |
Blizzard | Weather Institute, NPC near the entrance after driving Team Aqua away. |
Hydro Pump | Weather Institute, NPC near the entrance after driving Team Aqua away. |
Fire Blast | Weather Institute, NPC near the entrance after driving Team Aqua away. |
Thunder | Weather Institute, NPC near the entrance after driving Team Aqua away. |
Hurricane | Fortree City, NPC in front of the Pokémon Center. |
Natural Gift | Route 120, NPC in the far south-west area of the route. |
Fake Tears | Sootopolis City, NPC by the garden on the southwest corner. |
Frost Breath | Shoal Cave, NPC in the ice room. |
Avalanche | Shoal Cave, NPC in the ice room. |
Psycho Shift | Sootopolis City, NPC by the garden on the south-west corner. |
Mega Stone Locations
Item | Location |
Absolite | Route 121. |
Aerodactylite | Route 126, guarded by Triathlete Pablo (requires Dive). |
Aggronite | Meteor Falls (requires Surf). |
Alakazite | Given by Winstrate Vito by the end of Victory Road after you defeat him. |
Altarianite | Route 120. |
Ampharosite | New Mauville. |
Audinite | Abandoned Ship, guarded by Ruin Maniac Garrison & Tuber Jani. |
Banettite | Route 127, guarded by Fisherman Roger & Black Belt Koji. |
Beedrillite | Route 105, guarded by Bird Keeper Josue & Ruin Maniac Andres (requires Surf). |
Blastoisinite | Lilycove City. |
Cameruptitte | Magma Hideout. |
Charizardite X | Victory Road. |
Galladite | Route 115, from the Meteor Falls northern exit (requires Surf and Waterfall). |
Garchompite | Safari Zone, north area. |
Gardevoirite | Route 115, from the Meteor Falls northern exit (requires Surf and Waterfall). |
Gengarite | Victory Road. |
Glalitite | Victory Road, ice room, north-west exit of the sliding puzzle. |
Gyaradosite | Route 133, guarded by Expert Mollie & Expert Conor. |
Heracronite | Lilycove City, given by an NPC at the north-east area of the city. |
Houndoominite | Magma Hideout. |
Lopunnite | Route 108, guarded by Sailor Cory & CoolTrainer Carolina (requires Surf) |
Manectite | Route 125, guarded by Bird Keeper Presley & Expert Auron. |
Mawilite | Cave of Origin. |
Medichamite | Mossdeep City. |
Pidgeotite | Route 104, (requires Surf). |
Pinsirite | Route 127, guarded by CoolTrainer Athena & Bird Keeper Aidan. |
Scizorite | Route 123, guarded by Bug Catcher Davis (requires Waterfall). |
Sharpedonite | Aqua Hideout. |
Slowbronite | Route 123 (requires Waterfall). |
Steelixite | Given by Steven after the events at the Mossdeep Space Center. |
Swampertite | Route 119 (requires Waterfall and the Acro Bike). |
Venusaurite | Victory Road. |
Unobtainable Mega Stones
Abomasite | Unavailable. |
Blazikenite | Unavailable. |
Charizardite Y | Unavailable. |
Diancite | Unavailable. |
Kangaskhanite | Unavailable. |
Latiasite | Unavailable. |
Latiosite | Unavailable. |
Lucarionite | Unavailable. |
Metagrossite | Unavailable. |
Mewtwonite X | Unavailable. |
Mewtwonite Y | Unavailable. |
Sablenite | Unavailable. |
Salamencite | Unavailable. |
Sceptilite | Unavailable. |
Tyranitarite | Unavailable. |
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